Thursday, October 24, 2013

Farewell Message

There are many things that I have learned from this program.  From the first class to the last I learned the important role that passion plays in whatever it is that you do.  Louise Derman-Sparks, Professor Emeritus, Pacific Oaks College, CA expressed this in week 2 of class 1 and again in the video in week 1 of this course. She said that her passion now is “perhaps greater than it was when she began her journey in early childhood” (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011).  It is passion that is one of the driving forces that keeps us going as we advocate for children and families.
Another important thing I learned was the important role that families play in children’s education.  Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory was eye opening for me in that it showed me the varied resources that can influence a child’s development (Lepuschitz, 2011).  Before this program I had a very narrow view of the extent of influences on a child’s life.  It just proves the ancient African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child”.
A third important thing that I learned was the importance of building relationships.  Relationships are key to creating trust and respect with staff and families.  Using the Platinum Rule instead of the Golden Rule is extremely valuable when building relationships (Bennett, 1980).  This was a revelation to me because it has helped me to try and see things from the perspective of others to better understand their viewpoint.  If you recall, the Platinum Rule says that you should do unto others as they want you to do unto them.  What a novel concept!  When staff approach me about something they do not understand, it has been extremely helpful to remember the experience that they have had and that those experiences will affect how they react in different situations.
The fourth thing that I learned was how essential collaboration is in early childhood or in any organization.  Establishment of a Community of Practice helps to give more credence to any issue that arises because support from many organizations presents a unified message in a community (Wenger, 2008).  A Community of Practice also is able to give constructive criticism when a person or group is misguided.  The Community of Practice that I have in Williamsburg has been supportive on this journey of education.  My family has also played a critical role in my success.  The church that I attend continually asks about my progress and offers prayers of support. 
My long term goal is to establish a high quality early childhood preschool for children with disabilities in our Mechanicsville community.  There is a committee at Mechanicsville UMC that is exploring this possibility.  We just completed a renovation of the Educational Wing of the church.  In doing the renovation we considered that the building might become an early childhood preschool center.  First, we will investigate the need for a specialized preschool such as this one.  Then we will have to go before the Church Council and get their support.  Marketing will be another important step.  Finding a small, dedicated staff will take time.  We plan to start small with just one three year and one four year class if there is a need.  Another consideration is before and after school care.  The committee will have to determine which route is more feasible.  It will probably take another 18 months before a center is ready for opening.
I have truly enjoyed this final course.  It has taken an intrinsic fortitude to complete the Capstone Project.  I cannot begin to tell Dr. Teri and my fellow colleagues how crucial your input has been in completing this project!!!  Without it, my project would not have been nearly as rich and deep as it turned out to be.  Thank you so much for the wonderful resources and comments you made!  They really helped to strengthen me as a person.  I hope that our paths will cross again at some point.  Should you wish to contact me in the future, my personal email address is  That is the best way to reach me!  Best of luck in your future endeavors!!!  I look forward to hearing about the great things you are doing for children and families in education!

“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood “. Fred Rogers
Bennett, M. (1980). Overcoming the Golden Rule: Sympathy and Empathy. Retrieved from
Feinberg, J. (2011). Wordle. Retrieved from
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer) (2011). Merging Vision, Passion and Practice. Baltimore,
            MD: Walden University
Lepuschitz, J. K. (2011). Brofenbrenner's ecological systems theory. Laureate Education Inc.,
            Baltimore, MD.
Wenger, E. (2006).Communities of practice: A brief introduction. Retrieved



  1. Carol,

    Excellent Post!! You mentioned some of the most important things that we learned in this program. Thank you for taking the time to read my discussion boards and blog and for sharing your experiences and knowledge with me.

    I wish you success in your future endeavors and please do keep in touch I would like to continue to hear about your impact in the field.

  2. We did much of this journey together, since we were in many of the same classes. I always took the time to read your posts because they were thoughtful, informative, and inspiring. I hope your plans to open a special needs preschool become a reality. You will shepherd that process along with skill and grace. Congratulations to you! I wish you well!

  3. You truly deserve your Masters, this post and your passion proves you are a masterful passionate Early Childhood advocate and I am so glad to have touched a small part of your being through this course. God be with you on your journey to fulfill your dream.
