Saturday, September 15, 2012

Reflection on Family Culture

Representation of my Family Culture
            When I first read this assignment, in my mind I began thinking about things I would take for survival.  Those things would have been dependent upon where I would be living.  However, since I am choosing things that represent my family culture and not tools for survival, it changes somewhat the things I would choose.
            The most important thing to me is my faith.  Doing devotions and prayer every day is a part of my routine.  The Bible is what I would take.  It offers me guidance and strength as I face difficult circumstances in my life.  It also provides hope for the future and grace to forgive myself and others.  It gives me examples of how to treat others with respect and dignity, even those different from myself.
            I would also bring a photo album.  It would help me explain to my new found friends the environment in which I lived.  It would also help to explain to others my family structure and how important relationships are to me.  It would bring me comfort as I thought about those who did not survive or were sent to a different location.
            The third thing I would bring would be my laptop. In this day and age it is how I connect to the world around me.  I can use it to resource information I might need about the new culture into which I will be immersed.

            The third thing I would bring would be my laptop. In this day and age it is how I connect to the world around me.  I can use it to resource information I might need about the new culture into which I will be immersed.

            While I would be upset about having to give up two of the three items that I had brought with me, it would not bother me considerably to have to give them up.  I have learned that things are not important.  Relationships are.  Since my immediate family is with me, I would be perfectly content.  I might be able to download the pictures to my laptop before I left. I could use my laptop to find Bible passages that give me strength and comfort.  The laptop could also offer information about the language and culture of my new location.  I could also use it to find work and directions for getting wherever I needed to go.
Family Issues, 29(11), 1407–1417. Retrieved from the Walden Library using the SAGE Premier 2010 database.
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer) (2010). Family cultures: Dynamic Interactions [Course
Media]. Baltimore, MD: Walden University.




  1. Hi Carol,
    Great Post! The Bible and the computer are some great items to take to another country. The Bible will help to keep one on the right path in their time of disaster. I also chose the photo album. The photo album contains a lot of memories and will help you describe your country and culture to others in a new environment.

  2. You made a wise decision by choosing your laptop. You will be able to access the bible online as well as look at photos of your family. I think that faith and family are so important and if there is anyway to combine the two then using your laptop would be the best way.

  3. Hi Carol, Thanks for sharing the photo of your family. Pictures speak a thousand words, and your family is lovely.

