Friday, June 22, 2012

Consequences and Goals in Relation to International Contacts

Consequences and Goals with International Contacts

            I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about and communicating with international contacts and websites these eight weeks.  As a result of communicating with my international contact, I am grateful for our social-emotional emphasis for early childhood education.

       The system in Poland that they use to compensate teachers is an interesting one—one I might pursue more information about should pay compensation become a major issue in the United States.  I know it has been an issue in the past, but because no one solution could be agreed upon, it was dropped.  I don’t remember a point system being considered before.

      Both of the websites that I explored had information that will be valuable when making presentations to organizations in Williamsburg. The Pew Research Center continually updates their information so that the most current data is available.
Association for Childhood Education International

(Review also these online resources at: )

      I also enjoyed learning from your contacts in Australia and South America.  It is great to know that there are people in other countries who are as passionate about early childhood as I am.

      My goal is to regularly visit the sites that I have become familiar with.  It is just one more way to stay up-to-date on current issues and trends in early childhood education.   Zero to Three, a website many of you chose to study, is one of my favorites!  I visit it on a regular basis.   I have enjoyed reading your blogs and look forward to future contacts as we move through the Master’s program.


  1. I think it is so great that we have made international contacts and have learned so much about the education system in another country. I too have enjoyed the information obtained from my international contact and plan to continue my communication with her for further support.

    I also agree with you that continuing to visit the websites is a great way to stay current. Zero to Three is one of my favorites too. It has lots of great information, articles, and links to other resources as well.

    Thanks for all your support through this course. I am appreciative of your post and comments. I hope our paths cross again in future courses. Good luck as you complete your masters degree.

  2. Dear Carol,

    Thanks for all the information you shared with us, especially your communication with your International contact regarding the education system in Poland. I too plan to continue visiting the websites I chose for this course, especially NIEER. I have gained great insights about the policies and approaches in many states. I also find the website Zero to three very informative.

    Wish you all the best!

  3. Hello Carol,
    We do have issues with compensating teachers. It sounds interesting to hear more about how Poland compensates their teachers. I also choose Zero to Three website. It has a lot of information that I can use to educate parents. The information on the website has already helped me expand my horizons. I look forward to continue to learn from the Zero to Three. Thank you for sharing. Good fortune in your future endeavors.

  4. Carol,

    Thank you for all you have shared during this course. I look forward to continuing to read your blog.

    Do you think we should go ahead with a point system as quality rating for teachers in the United States?

  5. Making contact internationally has been a wonderful experience. Comparing our education to those in other countries has been eye opening. I too think it would be to our advantage to continue to connect with international contacts as well as any current happenings on our website of choice.

    You have given wonderful feedback throughout the course and the best of luck to you.
