and Goals with International Contacts
have thoroughly enjoyed reading about and communicating with international
contacts and websites these eight weeks.
As a result of communicating with my international contact, I am
grateful for our social-emotional emphasis for early childhood education.
The system in
Poland that they use to compensate teachers is an interesting one—one I might
pursue more information about should pay compensation become a major issue in
the United States. I know it has been an
issue in the past, but because no one solution could be agreed upon, it was
dropped. I don’t remember a point system
being considered before.
Both of the websites that I explored had information
that will be valuable when making presentations to organizations in
Williamsburg. The Pew Research Center continually updates their information so
that the most current data is available.
(Pre[K]Now: A
Campaign of the Pew Center on the States
(Newsletter: )
(Newsletter: )
for Childhood Education International
(Review also these online resources at: )
(Review also these online resources at: )
also enjoyed learning from your contacts in Australia and South America. It is great to know that there are people in
other countries who are as passionate about early childhood as I am.
goal is to regularly visit the sites that I have become familiar with. It is just one more way to stay up-to-date on
current issues and trends in early childhood education. Zero to Three, a website many of you chose to study, is one of my favorites! I visit it on a regular basis. I have enjoyed reading your blogs and look
forward to future contacts as we move through the Master’s program.